Sabtu, 11 Januari 2014

My cat gave birth, again !!

I have 5 cats now and I'm going to have more since Mrs.Monroe is giving birth for another new kittens. Yesterday I was so worry because I thought she's ready to popping out the kittens cos she's producing milk already. Usually when that happens that means she's going to have her baby at that day but appearantly it took longer.

For you who doesn't really know when cat ready to give birth, I'm going you little information. Cat pregnant for about 60-70 days and there are several signs when your cat is going to have their babies/kittens.

  • You will see her tummy moving quite a bit days before the birth.
  • Some cat have diarrhea /bladder problem for few days. For my cat, she had few accidents as she couldn't make it to the litter so she peed one the bad. 
  • Their nipples start to produce milk around 1-3 days before the birth this often looks like dried milk on the nipples themselves,this is known as colostrum
  • They'll going to make a nest for place to give birth the kittens, usually they prefer darker place like cupboard, under the bed/table, ect. 
  • They'll lost their appetite.
  • They'll often pacing the room and meowing as if calling out and as the contractions get stronger she will start panting,but all this is normal for a birthing cat and as the contractions get stronger she will begin to squeal.
  • They will become very affectionate often more than usual just a day or two before birth,and many follow the owners about as they become restless. For my cat she become really really affectionate, I have 2 kittens and usually she doesn't really get along with them but suddenly she became so nice to them. She sleeps on their bodies and even bath them.
  • Few hours before giving birth they'll stay on their nest (you can put them on their cage or their bed, or a box) and panting, and meowing really loud because of the contraction. Be sure prepare hot water, tissue, and towel because some cats don't really know how to take care new born kitten, some of them didn't clean the kitten so you have to do it your self to make sure the kittens can breath.
  • Cats labour can last a few hours and often pausing at times so labour can be around anything from 5 hours or even up to 12 hours with an hour or two between the birth of each kitten.
Today Monroe gave birth 3 kittens and it didn't take too long. Her labour just about 3 hours and the kittens all are healthy. I haven't really check their sex cos I don't want to disturb her when she's breastfeeding.
 All of my cats feel curious about the new kittens, they're sniffing them from quite a distance and still not familiar with new scents from the kittens but soon they'll used to it.

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